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瞭解完原理後,我覺得有必要跟大家聊聊大語言模型的缺點,這樣大家才能知道 AI 的邊界在哪裡,並在可控的邊界內進行創新。





  1. 如果語料的內容是有偏的(比如帶有種族歧視、性別歧視的內容),甚至是錯誤的,那大語言模型的生成的結果也會是錯誤的。
  2. 如果該領域語料很少,大語言模型生成的結果準確率就很低。甚至有可能會出現幻覺(這個是第二個缺點)。


第一種方法就是在語料大、且錯誤率低的領域使用 LLMs。





這個可以直譯成「幻覺」,簡單說來,就是會說胡話。有些問題因為語聊很少,計算機率後,會吐出一些很奇怪的內容,比如這個例子,我讓 AI 介紹一個世界上不存在的品牌 Boie 的智慧牙刷:

Tell me about AeroGlide UltraSlim Smart Toothbrush by Boie

AI 的回答是,你可以看到 AI 就是在一本正經地說胡話:

The AeroGlide UltraSlim Smart Toothbrush by Boie is a high-tech toothbrush that uses advanced sonic technology to provide a deep and thorough clean. It features a slim and sleek design that makes it easy to hold and maneuver, and it comes with a range of smart features that help you optimize your brushing routine.

One of the key features of the AeroGlide UltraSlim Smart Toothbrush is its advanced sonic technology, which uses high-frequency vibrations to break up plaque and bacteria on your teeth and gums. This technology is highly effective at removing even the toughest stains and buildup, leaving your teeth feeling clean and refreshed.

In addition to its sonic technology, the AeroGlide UltraSlim Smart Toothbrush also comes with a range of smart features that help you optimize your brushing routine. These include a built-in timer that ensures you brush for the recommended two minutes, as well as a pressure sensor that alerts you if you're brushing too hard.

Overall, the AeroGlide UltraSlim Smart Toothbrush by Boie is a highly advanced and effective toothbrush that is perfect for anyone looking to take their oral hygiene to the next level. With its advanced sonic technology and smart features, it provides a deep and thorough clean that leaves your teeth feeling fresh and healthy.




暫時來看目前大多數的 LLMs 都只能解決數學問題,有些不可計算的問題,暫時都沒法解決。特別像是需要自己實操進行實驗的問題。

當然我這裡也只是稱其為「暫時」,因為可能未來機器人 + LLMs 有可能會將可計算的範圍拓展寬一點。